Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where I'll Spend the Next 21 Months

Jamie and I finally made a trip to London together. With less than 2 months to go before our move, this trip offered us a chance to figure out where we're going to live, open a bank account (an ordeal for non-U.K. nationals), attend the London Business School Admits Weekend and spend a few days enjoying one of the greatest cities in the world!

(River Thames and The London Eye -- tallest Ferris wheel in the world until May '06)

The highlight of the trip was Admits Weekend. LBS organizes this weekend so that all the admitted students can come to London, meet each other, learn more about the program and get an idea of what the next 21 months will be like. Also, for LBS, the weekend offers one more chance to sell the School to any undecided applicants (I only met one -- deciding between LBS and INSEAD, a decent French b-school just south of Paris). Here's a photo of me at LBS.

For me, Admits weekend really drilled home how international the program will be. At my breakfast table, I met future classmates from France, Bulgaria, Germany and the UK, and the following day I grabbed a beer with a consultant from Canada (who's Mexican), an entrepreneur from Boston and a consultant from London. I really enjoyed meeting so many interesting people from all over the world.

We also had some time to figure out where we want to live, or at least we narrowed it down to a few possible neighborhoods -- St. John's Wood, Swiss Cottage and West Hampstead. All three neighborhoods are near the Jubilee tube line (subway), which swings by both LBS (for me) and Mayfair (for Jamie). Here's a picture of the St. John's Wood High Street - the main street in the neighborhood. (St. John's Wood is famously known for the Abbey Road Studios, where The Beatles recorded.)

Earlier this week I announced my final day at Lehman Brothers -- July 18. The next chapter in my life is rapidly approaching, and I know I'm not ready!