Monday, July 28, 2008

Why I'm Excited About my MBA

Today I read a great story about two LBS students (an MBA2009 and his wife, a MIF2009 [Masters in Finance]) and their new business, Gelato Mio. As if the rigour of the LBS MBA and MIF programs wasn't enough, these 2 students decided to open a new chain of gelato stores in London.

Check out this video showing the success of the store's recent opening...I can't wait to go try their gelato!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

I finally developed the photos we took during our San Diego marathon weekend. Here's a photo of us with some friends at the finish line...yes, we just ran 26.2 miles, and I think we look pretty good!

(Chantal, Marjorie, Jamie, me and Scott)

This marathon was the FIRST marathon for everyone in this picture except me. I know how special it is to finish one's first marathon, so hats off to Jamie, Chantal, Marjorie and Scott!!

Also, Jamie, Marjorie and Chantal all ran for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team-In-Training program (thus the purple shirts). Among the three of them they raised nearly $10,000 for blood cancer research.