Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Final MBA post!

Well it’s all over.  After 23 months in London, I finished my MBA at London Business School.  Graduation was a little over a month ago and our Summer Ball party, our biggest party of the year, was the next night.  These two events ‘officially’ marked the end of an epic journey.  A few weeks ago at one of the many “goodbye, it’s over, let’s see each other one last time” parties, a friend asked me about the highlights of my MBA.  I actually had a hard time coming up with one or two, because there are so many, but with his question in mind here are a few of the things I look back on.

For me, the LBS MBA...

...brought my wife and me to London, our first experience living outside the United States
...allowed me to meet and become friends with people from all over the world
...surrounded me with some of the smartest, most creative, most insightful people I’ve ever met
...was expensive
...provided me an excuse to travel, lots, to places like Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Scotland, Israel and Thailand
...gave me time to step back and think about what’s important in life
...involved a lot more partying than I expected
...kept me very busy – study, work, socialize, network, clubs, events, speakers, study groups, sports, etc.
...kept me out of the office, allowing me to train for my fourth marathon – 3:45 in Paris!
...introduced me to the company I’m working for now, and allowed me to shift my career focus
...wasn’t about the academics – there’s so much more to business school than the classroom

This list could go on and on. 

I look back on my decision to go to b-school at LBS as one of the best choices I’ve ever made, and I’m certain it will provide benefits for many years to come.  The choice is very personal, and each person does it for different reasons.  I understand why people do the whole economic/cost-benefit/opportunity-cost analysis of a full-time MBA versus staying employed for a few years, but going to b-school is about so much more.  Just do it.  But try your best to pick the school that’s right for you – they’re not all the same.  Attending the right school is important not because of the academic rigor, it’s important because schools generally attract like-minded people, and so much of the MBA is about the quality of the people who surround you.

I told my dad that I would write a final, wrap-up post for my MBA, so dad, this is for you!   

Now, on to the next challenge.