Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day in London

I just finished my first day in London. After arriving at Heathrow airport 30 minutes early, a nice middle-aged man driving a Peugeot hauled me over to my home for the next 3 weeks, 3 Durweston Mews, Marylebone. Upon arrival I found a well-furnished, two-story flat that definitely could serve as home for the next three weeks. Yes, it’s small, but it’s well maintained with new appliances and should make for a good place to stay while Jamie and I find a place to live.

Immediately I had a long overdue shower, and then I walked over to LBS to get my student ID and welcome packet. My student ID afforded me access to the LBS library, where I sent emails to my family announcing my safe arrival in London. Next on my to-do list, a cell phone…

Well not so fast. In order to get a monthly cell phone plan, the company must run a check to ensure the address on your bank account matches your address in London. Of course mine did not. So, after being denied a UK mobile, I went to the bank to update my address to the flat where I just moved in. We’ll see tomorrow if this works.

After paying £9 for a chicken sandwich and fries (yes, that’s just under $18) I proceeded over to the evening’s festivities – the LBS Flat Hunter’s Pub Crawl. Undoubtedly created by students, this ‘reason to drink’ takes place every day of the month leading up to the start of business school. Marketed as a way for students to meet flatmates and share stories about estate agents, this gathering of MBA2010s was an excellent way to socialize with my new classmates. After hanging out at the pub until 1am, I called it a night. (BTW – This pub served Sierra Nevada, however I preferred the local brews that I’ve never had before.)

I left San Francisco 29 hours ago. I’ve already met so many cool people, and so far my time in London has been great (as I listen to the rain outside my bedroom window!).

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