Friday, September 12, 2008

Cool Places in Our Neighborhood, #1

Well we finally moved in to our ‘flat’!! We’re living in an area called Marylebone, and it’s a pretty nice neighborhood. There’s a lot going on, and the place is filled with history. So, I thought I’d write a few posts about cool places around us. Here’s #1: Dorset Square.

Dorset Square is the site of the original Lord’s Cricket Ground (see posting below for more info about the current Lord’s). Thomas Lord founded his original cricket venue on this site back in 1787, and it was used for matches until 1810. I walk by this park on my way to LBS, and I can’t help but think about the people who were playing cricket on this very site over 220 years ago.

We looked at a few flats right off of Dorset Square. The area is very nice and residents are the only people who have access to the park. The places we viewed were pretty crappy, but I guess that’s what you get with a student budget. Nice one bedroom places are available, but it takes about £430 p/week to get one (do the USD math if you like, current exchange $1.77). I prefer our place, which is just down the street, and I’ll happily give my extra money to the EXCELLENT fish ‘n chips place right around the corner.

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