Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cultural Diversity

Last night was London Business School’s annual Tatoo Party. This gathering celebrates LBS’ cultural diversity, and because my class consists of around 60 different nationalities there is quite a lot of celebrating to do. There are around 20 regional clubs at LBS (North American club, Brazil club, Asian club, Africa club, etc) and each of these clubs brought something from their culture to the event. I enjoyed an excellent Russian meat dish (still unsure of the name), sushi from the Japan club, paella from the Spanish club, gelato from the Italians, and some pretty tasty chorizo from the Portuguese. You won’t be too surprised to hear what we brought from the States – hot dogs, hamburgers and apple and cherry pie.

And, it wasn’t all about food; I also caught a Lion dance, an African drumbeat and a Bollywood dance (with LBS students and partners dancing). I missed the belly dancers, mariachi band, salsa dancing and samba. I just couldn’t make it to everything!

Finally, this was the first time I heard the LBS student band, No Donuts for Hilda (btw - they're great). We ended the evening listening to the band, rocking out to songs like ‘Mr. Brightside’ and feeling like we were back in undergrad at a fraternity party listening to the great local cover band. Some things never change, regardless of where you are in the world. Enjoy a few photos…

(Lion Dance)

(African Drumbeat dance)

(A little Bollywood-style dancing)

(No Donuts for Hilda - the LBS Band)

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