Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why I Love Running

Lately I’ve been running more outside, with the hope to prepare myself for the Paris Marathon on April 5. Yesterday I went for a run around Hype Park in London, and while running I thought to myself about all the fantastic places I’ve lived and how that’s provided me so many fantastic places to run.

Today a 6-mile run takes me from my apartment south to Hyde Park, all the way around the park (all 350 acres) and back home. A year ago a 6-mile run would take me from my apartment, through the Marina-district of San Francisco, along the San Francisco Bay to the base of the Golden Gate Bridge and then back home. And, four years ago, a 6 mile run would take me from my apartment in to Central Park in NYC, one lap around the outside loop and then back home. Needless to say, each of these runs offered a pretty spectacular setting, and each reminded me how fortunate I was to live in cities that offered such beauty.

So which is my favorite? Where’s the best running? Who knows, to each is their own, and to me each city holds its own magic. Winter running is a little colder in NYC and London, but the winds in San Francisco can be absolutely brutal!

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