Monday, January 12, 2009

The Milkround

Summer internship recruiting is in full force, and only five days after the New Year. Over the past five days I've attended eight company presentations. The model is very simple - company presentation followed by networking event (and then repeat two or three times per day).

All the investment banks and management consulting firms made an appearance. However, the investment bank line-up was a little unique this year...Merrill is in the process of merging with BofA, all the Nomura reps were from Lehman, Credit Suisse just sold their asset management division to Aberdeen and Deutsche Bank is recruiting for sales/trading roles but their star credit trader just quit to start his own hedge fund after losing $1 billion during '08. Morgan Stanley and Citi, who are dealing with their own issues but didn't have any news last week, now are in talks to merge their wealth management divisions, transforming both companies. Goldman, who recently has been fairly quite on the news front, also was on campus, but surely it won't be too competitive to land one of those internship spots.

It'll be a fun, interesting and stressful next few months as my entire MBA class attempts to find their dream internship.

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